MFG: Hayes International
Built In: Birmingham, AL
First Flight: 1967
Service Ceiling: 25,000 ft
Top Speed: Mach 0.9
Endurance: 50 min max
Empty Weight: 94 lbs
Length: 10’ 4”Diameter: 9”
This target was towed by a host aircraft on a 26,000 foot cable. It used Butane as its constant heat source and IR heat-seeking technology for scoring, called BIPODS. The TDU-25 is known for its use in the William Tell Fighter Interceptor Competition. The legendary story of William Tell began in 1307 and told of the famous arrow-shot that split an apple from atop his son’s head and earned them both their freedom.
The competition was used to evaluate marksmanship skills and weapons systems when it began in the 1950’s. It was held on even numbered years, with the exception of its suspension during the Vietnam conflict. This Worldwide weapons meet was abandon in 1970 for a lower cost in-house competition of the ADC, ANG and Canadian Armed Forces. In 1972 twelve teams competed at Tyndall AFB for the First TOP GUN award with the F-101 Voodoo, F-102 Delta Dagger, and F-106 Delta Dart aircraft. The Canadian “Les Alouettes” team in the F-101 Voodoo emerged as the winners.