Open: 10am - 4pm, Tuesday - Saturday

Open: 10am - 4pm, Tuesday - Saturday

1946-1975 / JET AGE

HH-52A Sea Guard

Twin Seat Rescue Helicopter

Sikorsky HH-52A Seaguard

Service History of 1375

  • Delivered: October 3, 1963
  • 1965 – CGAS Port Angeles
  • 1966-68 – CGAS Miami
  • 1969-73 – CGAS Mobile
  • 1974-77 – CGAS Los Angeles
  • 1978-80 – CGAS Cape May
  • 1981 – Overhaul ARSC NC
  • 1983-89 – CGAS Savanna
  • All HH-52As retired in 1989

The Sea Guard or Sea Guardian helicopter was created to fill a need for a fully amphibious small helicopter. The design began in 1957 as the S-62A (later designated HH-52A), using the rotor and transmission from the S-55 and a single turbo shaft and fuselage similar to the H-3 (S-61) Sea King. The first prototype flew in May of 1958.

By 1965 the Sea Guard had rescued more persons than any other helicopter in the world. This helicopter rarely made the headlines, but its’ crews served quietly in some of the harshest environments around. The Sea Guard utilized a starboard side rescue platform that folded down for on-the-water rescues.

The US Navy, acting for the US Coast Guard, procured a total of 99 HH-52A’s accepted under contract # TCG42044. All production ended in 1970.

Acquired by Yanks in December of 2004.