Service History
- Delivered: July 5, 1945
- July 1945-AAF 3036 ATC Yuma, AZ
- 11/45 2008 ATC Minter, CA
- 1/46 2622 ATC Mather, CA
- 1946 modified to TB-25
- Aug 1948-3535th Bombardier Training Group, Mather, CA
- June 1950-3535th BTW, Mather, CA
- Dec 1953-3535th Observer Wing ATC
- Dec 1957-Storage Davis Monthan AFB
- Stricken: June 1958
The B-25 test results were impressive, after only two weeks of evaluation, it was ordered into production. The first production model flew at Inglewood, CA. On August 19, 1940. The B-25 was named after William “Billy” Mitchell, an advocate of air power and aircraft bombardment.
The twin engine, twin tailed, tricycle landing gear, monoplane was available in several variations. This J model has the conventional bombardier nose (greenhouse type) and gull wing. This was the last production model B-25. Also used by the Navy as the PBJ-1J, often carrying depth charges instead of bombs.
April 18,1942, sixteen B-25’s left the USS Hornet with Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle and 79 Tokyo Raiders to strike back against Japan.
The RB-25 (R for restricted, later VB-25, V for VIP) was created for use as a VIP transport. In 1943-44 Gen. “Hap” Arnold and Gen. Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower received RB-25’s. After WWII the RB-25 was used in the business world, one was even purchased by Howard Hughes.
This TB-25 was used for multi engine basic training. Acquired by Yanks in 1999, from the Australian War Memorial Museum.