MFG: Ryan Aeronautical Co
Built In: San Diego, CA
First Flight: 1958
Powerplant: J69-T-29
Service Ceiling: 60,000 ft
Top Speed: 710 mph (Mach .9)
Wingspan: 12’ 10”
Endurance: 75 min
Range: 800 miles
Empty Weight: 1500 lbs
Length: 22’ 10”
Number Built: 1280 (1st gen)
This drone was built to simulate a tactical threat by an enemy aircraft or missile. It is an aid in defense readiness training and is useful in the evaluation and development of weapons systems. It is a simple, low-cost and adaptable multi-purpose platform. Capable of 7g turns at high speed and sea-skimming flight as low as ten foot above the ocean surface.
The Firebee is the premier high-performance aerial target system used by the USN and USAF military for more than five decades. Still in use today, the Firebee’s main launch platform is the DC-130 Hercules. It is also capable of ground launch with Rocket Assisted Take Off (RATO). US Army designation for this drone is Model 124 or Q2C.